How to Support Us
We are committed to propelling bright children to their maximum potential by breaking all barriers to education. Working with 9 different partners across 4 countries, your money is guaranteed to make a difference through supporting our tutoring, our financial aid program, our fundraising for our cause, and our countless educational events. They need your help, so what are you waiting for?
Matching Gift Program
Many companies recognize the importance of their employees’ donations to NGOs and offer their support by matching gifts to double, or even triple, these contributions! Find out if your employer will match your gift, and your tax-deductible donation can be matched!
What Are Matching Gift Programs? Employee matching gift programs are corporate giving programs in which the company matches donations made by employees to eligible nonprofit organizations. It’s an easy way to double your contribution to us!
How Do I Request A Matching Gift? Requesting a matching gift is normally a five-minute process which must be initiated by the donor. You can do this by filling out and submitting a paper match form provided by your employer or through an electronic submission process.
What if I still have questions? For questions regarding your company’s programs, please contact your employer’s HR or community giving department. Much of the necessary information is also available on your company intranet. For questions on our side, please contact us: